We Are at War Book 9 Over (Conflicts Between Faith and Peace) Book 9【電子書籍】[ Vitalis Chi. Nwaneri ]

We Are at War Book 9 Over (Conflicts Between Faith and Peace) Book 9【電子書籍】[ Vitalis Chi. Nwaneri ]

<p>As stated in one of the chapters of the Books dealing with my Confessions, after hearing the Popes Call on the Laity to rise up and contribute to the success of the New Evangelization, I wondered if I could respond to his Call as a Member of The Knights of Columbus and the EWTN family, with extensive Professional exposure across the secular governance of the world. I reflected and prayed on this Call for two weeks. Then I decided to respond to the Popes Call.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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